PP attempt, please CnC


TPF Noob!
Jun 18, 2008
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Here's my first real attempt to really clean up a portrait. I intentionally selected a not-so-great shot to start with (I'm just practicing with this):



Does it look okay, overdone, not done enough?

Overall I'd say that's a very good job. The only thing I really notice is that her teeth look a bit too PP'd. They look almost blurred or smeared or something. I think the teeth look fine in the original, so if you could maybe just lighten them up to match the tone of the rest of the image?

Just my opinion, I'm certainly no expert on this, but there ya go.
I agree. Looks good, but the teeth are a bit much.
When you clean up a portrait you don't want to airbrush parts of the face that are defined. Such as nose outline, the outline of the face etc etc. It makes the picture seem out of focus and in general it loses sharpness. But for a first attempt it's pretty damn good.
I think the problem is that you need to smooth out the tones in the skin, rather than just removing them completely and whitewashing it, because you lose the depth in the face. As for the teeth, looks like you've painted them white, but even perfectly white teeth still have shadows...
Thanks for the feedback!
I saved that all in layers, so I'll go back and make some adjustments and repost.
Now the teeth really seem glaring to me--hadn't noticed them before.

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