Quick clone help!


TPF Noob!
Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Boston, MA
In theory, this should be an easy task, but I am new to photo editing software and have been fooling around with Gimp for awhile now trying to clone out the two people on the steps here and not satisfied with my attempts. Anyone want to help out or suggest a good tutorial for me to continue working at it.
If anyone could help, I would be very appreciative!

Thanks so much. I think the low-res will do just fine until I can motivate myself to continue practicing on my editing skills!
Just as an FYI. The steps I took for this edit were:
- copy the bricks and steps to the left of the guy.
- paste an position over both figures.
- I used four pastes of the same copy
- flattened the image
- I cloned surrounding brick so you couldn't pick up the straight edge from the pasting

It's important (not so much with the low res version) to copy or clone from the same depth of field that you are pasting to to avoid changing clarity of blur.

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