Random Bulk Candy At Superstore


TPF Noob!
Aug 3, 2008
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There you go. Improvements? Thanks. :thumbup:
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Oh, and, whatever C&C is, I think that'd be good? Could someone maybe shed some light on the meaning of that one? Thanks again!
C&C is comments and criticisms, i like the first one the most.
C&C per req:

I believe that I understand what you were trying to capture here, but I don't think you quite made it. The exposure and colour of the images is fine, you're okay on the technical side, but the composition/artistic side is a little lacking. In order to get those pictures you see of this sort of thing, all brightly coloured, with patterns, you actually have to do a lot of work. Some of the things to consider: Focus is critical, all the objects (candy, marbles, whatever) need to on a similar plane so that the focus the same way (That is, you don't want objects right beside each other to focus differently because one is higher than the other). You also want to avoid things like the top image where the centre candy is positioned so that the label is upside down. You've got a good idea and you've made a good start. I'd suggest buying a few dollars worth of candy and practicing at home.

Looking forward to more.

Just my $00.02 worth - your milage may vary.

Thanks Tirediron! Good explanation! And yeah, maybe I should practice using your idea of buying some candy. Going out today (if it doesn't rain) so I'll pick some up. :D
Thanks Tirediron! Good explanation! And yeah, maybe I should practice using your idea of buying some candy. Going out today (if it doesn't rain) so I'll pick some up. :D

Plus if you get tired of shooting, and cant get the shots you want, at least you have a snack.

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