Reflected Palette


TPF Noob!
Jun 16, 2005
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Can others edit my Photos
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I took my own advice and went downtown today :D. All my respect goes to the architecture photographers on here, I have no idea how you produce such interesting results. Here was my stab at it. Enjoy

(My apologies if this image is too big for most screens. I will post a smaller version if people want)
haha! I'm the first to reply! :greenpbl:
ok, now that the spot is taken: i shall comment: LOVE IT, BRIT!
simply beautiful... i love it how you captured the clean neat reflection :thumbup:
Thanks Alex and Laurie :)

Alex: Thanks for your comments, and whoot! for being the first to reply, I need to stalk your threads more carefully. They get put up these days and by the time I look at them, there are 10 comments :lol: ha

Laurie: This one was taken at 18mm, and the lens goes to 10mm, so I do have another image with more. Perhaps I will bring that one into photoshop and work with it
I just get a longing to see the edges of the building when I look at this photograph. It is already great, so looking at the edges may not add that much, but my eye is drawn to the great reflection in the middle and then to the bottom where concrete meets glass.
For a first time architecture photog this is great! Then again, for an experienced architecture this would be great too... I love it. It is a bit big for my tiny laptop screen though, so a smaller version would be muchos appreciated :)
Thanks for the comments everyone. :mrgreen:
This is Canterra Tower apparently, which is just steps away from Eau Claire Market.

Here is a smaller version of the original:

And these are two full length versions:

This man sitting on the steps seemed to enjoy watching me kneel on the ground and trying every possible angle trying to get these.

One final angle that shows where the +15 connects
That is a awesome building, which great pics to match. I love the first one, the reflection is so cool. Do you know if you could get on during a sunrise/sunset? That seems like it would be neat as well. Good job.
Wow, really love all these shots. That building looks amazing to photograph.
Cool Brittany. I can see now why you chose the framing you did for the first one. All of those shots are amazing and I absolutely love the last one.

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