Santa Came Early


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Mar 29, 2016
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Ive been wanting the Pentax D FA 100mm f/2.8 WR to fill a gap in my primes, but hadn't been willing to part with the cash for a new one. What few used ones out there I've found have been running high. Last week I stumbled on a fantastic sale at B&H, over $150 off. So now for about the price of used I have a new in the box. Rain and cold yesterday, but clearing by this afternoon, can't wait to try this out.
So you were on the nice list....
Sounds like a really nice lens, if you feel up to translating some of the letters I would be interested
I understood Pentax, 100 mm and f2.8 sadly the rest was lost on me.
So you were on the nice list....
Sounds like a really nice lens, if you feel up to translating some of the letters I would be interested
I understood Pentax, 100 mm and f2.8 sadly the rest was lost on me.

This is a 3rd generation lens in the series. "D FA" lenses have been optimized optically for digital sensors. Their image circle covers the 24 by 36mm sensor (or negative) format, providing a 1:1 image on a full frame. "WR" means it has weather resistant seals to prevent moisture from getting in. Not noted in the OP is the SMC designation on lens coating, which stands for Super Multi Coated. Also this is one of the more popular Macro lenses by Pentax.
Smoke, thanks for the reply. Have fun with the new glass, may it live up to your expectations
I went shutter mad last time I had, new to me, new glass. Have fun looking forward to seeing pics
Ohh! New glass is ALWAYS like Christmas. :) I cant wait to see what you do with it!
Sounds like a great present! What will be it's primary use?

Probably multi function. It's known for a pleasing Bokeh, crisp colors, and sharpness. I see it mostly being used for portraits.
Looking forward to the photos//
It's an awesome lens, you'll love it!

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