Should I stick to Macro Or .. ? (Input asked)


TPF Noob!
Dec 11, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hello !

Since some time I am into photography and I've found that I tend
to make Macro pictures mostly. I also tried some more 'regular' ones recently, though am not too sure about the results.
It would be great if someone would mind to take a look at both of my different approaches in my photographs and would give me some input?!

It would be easiest to see the different ways of making photo's on my website. First and second Folders are 2 that can be compared.
( BelleVue Fotografie )

Thanks in advance!!

Kind Greetings,
Gerda Arends
just some general advice from me:

1) I find it very hard myself to shoot a subject, and shoot it well, when I have little to no interest in the subject of my shooting. If you don't like it don't bother with it (unless your getting paid for it of course ;))

2) Photography is not a single skill game - one can master one area of photography only to find that they cannot shoot another form - I can't shoot landscapes to save my life - can't frame them, can't see them in the landscape to shoot, can't set settiings, can't even find hyperfocal distances. However I know that if I work at it I can get better - maybe no natural tallent, but I can learn a tallent. It will take time and many many bad shots, but its achivable.

To get there its best to look at your work - work out all the ways in which you could have shot something differently and also look at where the problems in a shot are (is it too noisy, blurry or lacking in depth - are the colours wrong - is the framing or subject wrong?) then put your best up for comments and crits on the site here - 5 at most - and you should be able to get pointers and see where others see faults and what they suggest for corrections.
Umm not sure what you mean? You get spam through the link?

If it is correct it refers to my website .. ?!?
Thanks for your post Overread! It sure is nice to get input and advice!
I love photography, though sometimes can feel 'lost'!

Thanks again for your post!
I think Gerda was refering to these two photo folders:
BelleVue Fotografie
BelleVue Fotografie

in all I think you have a good eye for framing a shot - and something like this one:BelleVue Fotografie
shows good exposure - the only weak point being that the sky is blownout (its white) and that is (sadly) not an easy thing to deal with.
firstly one can shoot only at the beginning and end of a day - nearer to dawn and sunset when sunlight is softer and thus not as harsh - though often we don't get the luxury of choosing the shooting time.
You can also use a polarizer filter in bright light to try and reduce the glare from sunlight - though its best only used on bright days.
Then you can also use falsh to help you - expose the shot for the sky (point the camera at the sky and read the settings it gives- then either lock them with exposure lock or copy them in manual shooting mode) then you can use falsh support to fill in the light needed to make a good exposure on the darker main subject. Its a lot easier said than done and works best when the falsh light is diffused from the source rather than just a bare flash - also with animals one has to watch their reaction; some ignor, others run away, some might get angry or even attack -- watch the animals in the pen and judge their reactions to flash and if they show that they don't like it - don't use it
Also... some of your "lens blurrs" are distracting. I am guessing you make them in PS in PP? They are a little extreme and take away the attention from the subject (even though you were trying to do the opposite).

Maybe try a little softer, gradual blur, rather than making it completely distorted.
oh I meant to metion that - I agree with TheSon though I was wondering if you were using a lensbaby for the shots since it is used to get a similar effect in camera - that of blur surrounding a target.
I must say that I am also not a fan of the technique overall though that is partially my taste in shooting
Thanks SO much for your thoughts!!
I appreciate your input very much!
Will review my photo's with your posts in mind!

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