Some from a recent drive across Norway


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Aug 29, 2010
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The uni where I study is across on the east side of the southern part of Norway, and I live all the way west. So I need to drive 8 hours. Plenty of time to snap some shots with my iPhone :p

1, old road up in the mountains (we need to cross one to get to the east side). Much more fun and beautiful to drive the old ones, and not the tunnels straight through.

Gamlevegen by Anders Myhre Brakestad, on Flickr

2, Old church in Røldal. I noticed the path of rolling rocks over time, and saw it, along with the road on which I was standing, led to the church.

Røldal kyrkje by Anders Myhre Brakestad, on Flickr

3, small dam by road 520, between Sauda and Røldal. This road is a "national tourist road", and I strongly advice anyone visiting the west coast of Norway to take this drive. Non-stop is takes about an hour, but we stopped several times just to look at views, mountains or other things that caught our eyes.

Demning ved Fylkesveg 520 by Anders Myhre Brakestad, on Flickr

4, By this dam, we saw this sign. I liked it :lol:

Skilt by Anders Myhre Brakestad, on Flickr

I always appreciate opinions on the shots :)
That dam (Photo 3) is particularly appealing! I really like that one. The dam has an interesting shape which gives the photo an aspect of its own. Nice.
It's lucky for us the dam was designed in a way that used materials inefficiently, though triangles are very strong shapes.

The zig-zag of the wall is significantly longer than the gap it spans, but does make a compelling, interesting subject.

In #2 the church is almost invisible against the nearly identical toned background.

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