some more portraits for cc


TPF Noob!
Aug 27, 2008
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whv are they all so soft? I wouldn't use these for modeling just on the fact that they are so out of focus.
Hmm... I don't know about all of them being really soft, but what I do notice is that a majority of them have definitely blown highlights (particularly 1,2,3 and to an extent 4). pose on 4 may be a bit cheesy, but is probably more what I would expect for a model shot, the textures there are nice, but again the blown highlights on the right shoulder hurt the image.

6,7 both look really red, so getting rid of a bit of that red would probably help quite a bit. 7 also has a distinct issue with the fact that his hair blends in incredibly well with the black background. A hairlight or something used to separate the hair from the background would greatly help this photo.

I think the biggest soft issue that I do see is the eyes. Although they aren't necessarily blurry or anything they don't really pop at you, and they don't make me want to stare at his eyes. Eyes are the biggest thing in portrait photography to capture and to make pop. If you could fix that these photos would probably seem to improve greatly.
Thanks Nate and foto....
I like the poses but you clipped off the top of his head in almost every shot.

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