Someone told me this is where the bad kids end up...


TPF Noob!
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Beaverton, OR
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm pretty much re-introducing myself to photography. My grandfather was a photographer and had a whole house that he used as a darkroom (he called it his dog house). He would go over there for hours when I was a little kid. He gave me a couple of cameras and started showing me how to develop film. I loved it. When I was in HS I took a photography class for a semester and that was cool. When I was in college I focused on too many other things and I didn't have a camera anymore.

Now it's... well let's just say it's a few years later :blushing: and I've been watching the digital technology advance so I decided I would like to experiment with the newer media. So far I'm loving it. I forgot almost everything I learned about photography but I'm having fun and reading as much as possible. I'm also playing around with Photoshop CS3. I know I've got a long way to go but hey It's all fun to me.

I'm looking forward to advice and getting to hear what others think of my images. Look forward to seeing the art and images of others, too. So far I've seen some pretty awesome shots and editing.
One thing you'll like about digital is a a program that's kind of a play on the film's called "Lightroom". Adobe makes it...makes life so much easier/better/faster when it comes to pictures. Check it out.

What kind of camera are you using?
^Thanks, I'll check it out.

I've got a Nikon D40x and I added the AF-S Nikkor 55-200 mm lens: I'm thinking about adding a Macro Lens at the end of the month
I have a tripod but I don't know who made it...
and at this point I have Photoshop a camera bag and a polarized lens. I've been thinking about checking out some classes to look into a BFA with an emphasis on photography.

Why is it I'm not able to add attachments? It says it in a little red box titled posting rules at the bottom of my screen.
Heya 93rdcurrent, welcome to ThePhotoForum and welcome back to the world of photography, too :D.

You can become a subscriber to TPF, that will give you gallery space here and from there you can add attachments.

Other than that, you can always look for a free photo host in the web ( or www.fastpictures.come - just to name two of the many that are there), load your photos into there and link them to here.
Welcome aboard! And that would be Suburbia, right?

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