Sony H50 vs HX1

The HX1 is newer, lens goes wider and longer, has better video, more modes and features, is faster and has HDMI video output, BUT the H50 has Nightshot, a remote control, and can take lens attachments. I don't know about image quality, sorry.
well i have the h50 but i was thinking on buying the hx1 because i live in mexico and here i can sell my h50 around 360-380 dlls, and the hx1 cost 419 on amazon, in 2 days im going to Northfield, VT and with the money i sell mine and some extra i can buy the hx1. thats why i was asking.

I dont use the nightshot, but sometimes i use the remote control, it wont be a control for the hx1? and of the lens attatchments i saw it was a teleconverter for the hx1 but thats all.

So should i sell my h50 to buy hx1??

Thanks :)
I don't know, are the extra features worth it for you?
i think the new features are very good but i dont know if the image quality is better. thats my only doubt.

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