The Coffee House

Capture nx2? Is that photo editing software?
I actually have like four free photo editing software programs now, this capture trial version, and a hdr program.

Don't use any of them. They seem like a great idea at first then I look at them and decide to do something else instead. I have never been very software proficient no patience I can replace hard drives or chips and reload a entire system easier than learning the software I am loading into it.
this is my second time with a capture trial version. Downloaded it on another system a few months back and never even looked at it after.
Years ago, my brother-in-law bought be a copy of Corel and I used it for a long time, just for minor edits. I think it was last year or late the year before, I upgraded to the latest version (which is no longer the latest version, of course!) and that's generally what I use. I'm thinking of trying Gimp. My boyfriend uses it and there are a few things that I like about it that Corel doesn't do - no major tools or anything, but just a few things about the interface. Plus, he already knows how to use it so I get a built-in teacher :)

But yeah, I feel your pain. I find software photo editing to be a frustrating process.
Years ago, my brother-in-law bought be a copy of Corel and I used it for a long time, just for minor edits. I think it was last year or late the year before, I upgraded to the latest version (which is no longer the latest version, of course!) and that's generally what I use. I'm thinking of trying Gimp. My boyfriend uses it and there are a few things that I like about it that Corel doesn't do - no major tools or anything, but just a few things about the interface. Plus, he already knows how to use it so I get a built-in teacher :)

But yeah, I feel your pain. I find software photo editing to be a frustrating process.
I have gimp on here too. Don't really know how to use that either. I think my issue is I don't like to be ignorant. Kind of like traveler posted about not knowing processing. If I choose not to process that is a personal choice, or choose to limit what I process is a personal choice. But being totally ignorant is something else. so I am trying make myself get at least a basic working knowledge so am not ignorant. LMAO
But then then look at it and my first instinct is "fruck this"
and yeah, find it extremely frustrating and boring.
Getting used to the really basic tools isn't hard. Are you starting with those or going for the advanced stuff right away?

Take it one tool at a time. First, the leveling tool. Next, the contrast adjuster. Then the whatever...There's a lot of stuff I don't know how to do yet either, but I knew I wasn't ready for more complicated stuff because I was still getting used to the basic stuff. And, you learn faster when it's something you need more often. I'm pretty good with the clone brush because my negatives always get dust one them, so I use the clone brush all the time.

You learn something when you have a need and when you're ready. I'd say look at your pictures and focus only on the tools that you need and are ready to deal with. I'd suggest some practice with contrast and white balance.
Getting used to the really basic tools isn't hard. Are you starting with those or going for the advanced stuff right away?

Take it one tool at a time. First, the leveling tool. Next, the contrast adjuster. Then the whatever...There's a lot of stuff I don't know how to do yet either, but I knew I wasn't ready for more complicated stuff because I was still getting used to the basic stuff. And, you learn faster when it's something you need more often. I'm pretty good with the clone brush because my negatives always get dust one them, so I use the clone brush all the time.

You learn something when you have a need and when you're ready. I'd say look at your pictures and focus only on the tools that you need and are ready to deal with. I'd suggest some practice with contrast and white balance.
do that in camera or if I shoot raw I can change the white balance in Nikon view nx. view nx I can do to a extent it is extremely simple just move the sliders for shadow highlight contrast etc. I can also pick bw filters in view nx and managed to set up a couple custom bw profiles to use. But view nx as I said is simple. It is good if I screw the exposure or white balance and have a raw file or want a yellow filter..
when you get to capture (or gimp) totally different worlds far as software, least seems to me.
There are more tools, of course, but those more advanced programs still include the basic tools. If you use them to make those basic adjustments, then you can get used to the way they are set up. It might then be easier to learn the more advanced tools because you're more comfortable with the program.
There are more tools, of course, but those more advanced programs still include the basic tools. If you use them to make those basic adjustments, then you can get used to the way they are set up. It might then be easier to learn the more advanced tools because you're more comfortable with the program.
good point. Aren't you smart. lol..
good morning gary.
It is 57F at 8:00 a.m. 'm in the patio waiting for the day to warm up. Mid 70's today. The coffee is still steaming a bit and the sun is just peaking over the rooftop and hitting some roses. Secret is this tallish rose with petals which are white on the inside and pink on the outside. Very impressive with ... mmmhhh ... 20 blooms on that one plant in various stage of sexual activity. I can hear the hummers buzzing about and the water falling into the pond. On Friday all four feeders went dry at the same time. On the front page, above the fold of the LA Times is a story on 'dry wine', not a dry taste but rather growing wine without irrigation. My morning should be pleasant, but a bit on the cool side.
Morning, Tio!

... 20 blooms on that one plant in various stage of sexual activity. I can hear the hummers buzzing about and the water falling into the pond. ...

Interesting double entendre there that made me giggle :)
Hey, Gary, my boyfriend just got a Fuji XE-1. We were looking at the pictures last night, comparing them to those taken with the Pentax K5 he got. You were right - I'll be happier with the Fuji. The K5 might be more intuitive for me to use, but when it comes to the final image, I definitely prefer the Fuji.

Edit: There wasn't anything wrong with the Pentax pictures. They are quite nice and it's a great camera. But my preferences run towards a look that the Fuji can capture better than a DSLR can.

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