the greatest bargain


TPF Noob!
Feb 7, 2005
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This just came up in another thread (somehow), and now I'm curious to find out about big big bargains. What's the most incredible one you've ever got?

I'll start myself -with one that I already posted: a Canon A1 (working quite nicely) for $45 (plus shipping).

Well, I'm sure you can beat this! So, what's been your greatest bargain?
Nikon F3
24mm prime
and 135

180 dollars on garage sale. When I bought it, I kept looking back afraid the seller would chase after me.

Made a nice gift to my nephew. He oves it.
I have only bought one camera from Ebay, but I think it was a good deal.

Yashicamat 124 for $42

I got a good deal on my enlarger.

Omega c700 w/ Rodenstock lens for $69, but for me the deal was the s/h for $18.
Omega DII 4x5 enlarger for free!

8) Orie- I just make sure I'm in the right place at the right time ;)
panocho said:
This just came up in another thread (somehow), and now I'm curious to find out about big big bargains. What's the most incredible one you've ever got?

I'll start myself -with one that I already posted: a Canon A1 (working quite nicely) for $45 (plus shipping).

Well, I'm sure you can beat this! So, what's been your greatest bargain?

My greatest bargain has been the Zenitar 16mm fisheye lens from (actually bought from his ebay store, where the prices are lower for the same items).

Seriously, I paid CAD$160 (USD 130) including shipping and this lens is fantastic. Awesome quality and built like a tank, compared to the $1000 fisheyes from canon and nikon you can't go wrong!

My second greatest bargain was a lubitel 166B for $5 plus shipping (about $20 total). I actually felt bad for the seller, because most other lubitels were going for $40 or more, and this $5 one was in better shape than another one I bought for $50 as gift for someone.
Nikkormat FTn body which cost me the amount of postage is cost to send it to me - about 6 dollars.

Or off ebay, a Minolta 300 with 50mm F1.7 for 50 dollars. The Minolta is a problem bargain though, as it set me off on a quest to buy myself the dream outfit I have wanted for nearly 40 years, so I have since spent nearly 500 dollars on it. However, I have got another body, a 24, a 28, a 24-70, a 135, a 100-200, a 75-300, 2 bags, a lot of Cokin stuff, a slide copier, a high quality tripod head, a slide projector, and 4 flashguns.
Oh, and I forgot, there is also a 58 mm f1.4 and a teleconverter on the way to me, as we speak.
Oh... I had a few:

1- a Kodak Ektra kit (for those not familiar with this camera, Kodak wanted to challenge Leica during the 1940-1946 with the Ektra, the first 35mm interchangeable backs RF; it was hand made so each camera had its own kit of three, four or five lenses and they all had the same SN) made up from a body, two backs, four lenses, various finders, IB, orig. case. I bought it for $180.00 cash at an Antique store in Arizona and sold it a few months later for $2,200.00

2- a Contax If "Made for China" sold to me for $65.00 because it was defective (shutter inop.), fixed it and traded it for a $1,000.00 Hasselblad lens.

3- a Canon IIs with 50/1.8 (RF, Leica copy), orig. side flash, filters, case for $20.00

4- a Yashicamat 124G for $40.00

5- a 19 inch/f11 Goerz Artar Apochromat process lens for $3.00

6- an Olympus XA and flash for $2.00

7- an inop. Canon A1 for $20.00 (just fixed on my own and working great)

8- two Koni Omega Rapid bodies plus 90mm and 58mm lenses for free.

There are many others but I don't recall them right now...:wink:
38 rolls of film, a polarizer, 3 closeups, 3 N.D. filters and a red filter for $37 from a VERY generous pro looking to help an aspiring photographer.


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