Very First Try - C&C Please?


TPF Noob!
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
Netherlands Antilles
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
My very first try, C&C please.
@ Bitter Jeweler

Sorry for the late reaction.
After finding my camera I figured that it would be nice to to give it a try,
so I went into my yard and took some pictures. :)
To Bitter Jeweler and Catastrophic,

This is just a friendly note or rather a thought for consideration. Although TPF has plenty of young members, there is also a population that, well, aren't so young. The fact of the matter is that as one progresses chronologically, the eyesight, by nature, diminishes. If you were to see certain people of certain ages holding a piece of paper with written text on it, it probaly means they're in that stage of life where it becomes more difficult to read the written text. That does not mean their eyesight has gone altogether, just a natural progression and contrast is important.

I say this in the kindest terms. It has been proven that the easiest color combination on the eyes is black text on white background. All I ask is that each of you think of the others that are afflicted with this problem and kindly resort to (yes, I hate to say it), but please be considerate and use the "normal" black text for us old fogies.
Yea what kubdalini said (after 10min of trying to read it)
one of the aging eyes
Yea what kubdalini said (after 10min of trying to read it)
one of the aging eyes
First off, it's an "n", not a "b", but that's unimportant because I'm guessing we're in the same boat. One little trick: take you cursor/mouse and highlight the text. Shhhhh....... :lol:

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