Way Early

Joel Bolden

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 2, 2020
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Stormstown, Pennsylvania
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Had the first European Starling at my feeder yesterday afternoon. I usually don't have them arriving for another month at least.
I've seen them here on and off, but not in the normal numbers. The warmer winter has really messed with the birds. They sure do love the suet blocks. Nice shot!
They have been mauling my suet blocks lately. No other bird gets a chance.
We've been seeing them for the last couple of weeks, too. No more than half a dozen at most, and usually just a couple. They tear into the suet! At least it's cheap. :lol:

Only one time have I been compelled to change out the feeder seed to get rid of a backyard bully, and that was in Georgia, and it was about grackles. They drove the smaller locals away completely. I quit adding black oil sunflower seeds, increased the safflower, and they left.

These are good shots. They do have beautiful plumage.
Good shots! At least you were prepared for them ;)

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