What is it about photography...

This is why TPF exists ;)
It's the place for all the "civilized" photographers to hang out and be friends.
But in all honesty, like big mike pointed out, it's not just photography forums that have these kinds of jerks. I used to post a lot at this one computer forum before it was hugely popular, and then over the last couple years I've seen it grow immensely in population and in the process gain a ton of know-it-alls and jerks. I remember this one dude who would post the most senseless ideas and try to argue why he was a genius for thinking up such things. One example I remember is that he suggested that Apple Computer should make a service so that they broadcasted the entire internet over wide-area radio waves every night so that personal computers could read it and cache it on their harddrives for faster access. And he would downright try to insult the intelligence of anyone who disagreed with him. Although I just found it all humorous.
Anyway... yeah, that's why TPF is nice, because we're a small friendly community of people who come here wanting more to learn from others than to show off their vast knowledge or to act superior to newbies.
Ive never been on a photography forum where any one has any seriosu arguments
The only other photography forumn im oin that i use is phototakers.com- It is great for information and everyone on there is a fair bit older than me- good for crisitques and very experienced photographers.

This forum is defintely more relaxed than most of the others- the skating forums im registered on there is usually at least one person a month signing up just to make pointless threads and insult people (one of the sites has 11000 members and has switched to refferal type registration for this reason)

There is one particual member on PT that ends up having problems with people because he says things so they sound a little bad, but you can still recognize the humor in it. Some people don't and really don't like it- but like he always says- the internet dosent show HOW you actually said something

i was gonig to write somethnig else but i forgot what it was- ill remember as soon as i hit post i bet- well i was right i just remembered afetr it came back up

Like someone previosuly said- Sites that have psot counters and you get more stars the more you post- that would have to be one of the worst ideas ever. You get People making up anythnig to post just so they can have another number and once they get close to a new star they right posts like "yeh"

you can probly tell all i do when im on the net it go through forums- i have them all one click links in firefox :)
Big Mike said:
Believe me...it's not just photography. :lol:

I agree - you should see some of the IT forums. These people have obviously never learnt the rules of debating - attack a person's argument all you like, but not the person.
You are so right. So many in these forums talk like big shots and put other people down. It drives me crazy.
Equipping Emerging Professionals for Profitable Photography Business
What I fail to understand is how this forum seems to be "immune" to the usual idiot brigade that overwhelms every other site. For whatever reason the people who ruin every other forum tend to flee from this one. I've yet to hear a reasonable solution to why that is, but I'm not about to argue with anyone to find out why either!

Reason's unknown, tpf is tops; plain and simple.

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