While we're making suggestions!

No ill will here either. My main point was that sarcasm inside the critique forum was taking away from others, although I did say it isn't productive anywhere. I stand by that judgment, but I don't mean to say sarcasm is destructive in the Feedback section. It just doesn't move us ahead.

No ill will here either. My main point was that sarcasm inside the critique forum was taking away from others, although I did say it isn't productive anywhere. I stand by that judgment, but I don't mean to say sarcasm is destructive in the Feedback section. It just doesn't move us ahead.


Sarcasm, criticisms and descent belong where the events are happening inorder to bring attention to the issues. Please explain exactly what it "takes away from others" in the realm of the critique thread. The head in the sand position is not productive for anyone.

Until the powers acknowledge and address the valid issues that members have in an open and intelligent manner, I will verbally express my opinions in the forums/thread that the issues occur. Do I, as a member, not have that right???

I have pleaded with the powers to answer my concerns, but to no avail.
I hope I´m not speaking too soon, but it seems like the silliness in the various forums is starting to have the desired effect!
When someone posts a picture in The Critique Forum, they want a critique, hence the title. When you use their thread as a place to protest the moderating style or the rules, you are taking away from their experience because now the attention has been turned to someone who is protesting and looking for ways to express their disapproval, instead of the image at hand.
I think you're avoiding the point. The point of this thread is not to agree or disagree with the way The Critique Forum is handled, it is to say that your opinion on that matter should not effect other people's experience within the actual Critique Forum by your protests and remarks.

If you wish to talk about this member being "smacked in the head", I would suggest choosing one of the other threads in the Feedback which are made for that very purpose.
"Feedback & Suggestions" is reserved only for opinions?
I think you're avoiding the point. The point of this thread is not to agree or disagree with the way The Critique Forum is handled, it is to say that your opinion on that matter should not effect other people's experience within the actual Critique Forum by your protests and remarks.

OK, you made your point....I disagree, but.....

If you wish to talk about this member being "smacked in the head", I would suggest choosing one of the other threads in the Feedback which are made for that very purpose.

OK, which thread do you specifically suggest???
As an ex-Mod of an earlier Critique Forum I'll just put in my two cents if I may.
Any Critique Forum needs a strict set of rules or guidlines to define it's use, how you post and what you post. If you do not have these guides then the Forum becomes just another place to put up pictures.
People never read the rules/guidelines so they never conform and the Forum begins to fall apart. It stops being able to do what it's supposed to. So if it's going to work you have to apply the rules rigorously at the start to get people to toe the line. People may well be mature and adult but they still can't play the game according to the rules - if they did there would never be any speeding tickets or parking fines handed out.
Apply the rules strictly always gets people's backs up. It's human nature.
When I set out to get the Crit Forum working I had to post rules. I got a lot of attitude from members about them as they weren't popular - even though I kept them as simple as possible.
I, and my fellow Mods, got attacked a great deal for our 'draconian' approach. If I post didn't comply we moved it to another gallery with a note as to why it was moved. But we did it so many times a day we ended up just sticking 'read the rules' on everything.
For a month or so it was cr*p but it eventually settled down as people got used to the rules.
Now the Crit section has gone off the rails and needs to be put back on track. They are only doing the same things I did for the same reasons (hopefully).
Yes it will seem harsh and unfair at times. But it has to be. The rest of the Galleries are pretty free and easy but the Crit gallery must be different from necessity.
So give it a chance.
If you don't like what is going on in there then don't go in there. Post elsewhere. There is nothing to stop you seeking (and getting) a crit in another gallery.
The Crit Forum is being run by people who have their view of how to run it. If you disagree with their approach then it is your problem. The owners have the right to run it how they choose - and if you want a Board run differently then I'm afraid you either find one or start your own.
But just remember - this is the Internet and not real life. ;)

Personally I don't have a problem, but then I don't ever post in the Crit section.
But I do understand and appreciate that some will not be happy. My advice is to stop getting so worked up and think calmly about how you want a Crit section to work. Then make suggestions. Chase will listen and take it on board even if he doesn't always reply.
OK, I'm finished with my side of the issues and it is only out of respect to your opinion, Mr. Hertz. Y'all know my position, if further discussions are warranted I'll be on the sideline.
I agree with Hertz about the strictness. It's no use starting with a new set of guidelines and then let posters do what they want to...it will soon turn into the old situation. There's only one way to find out if guidelines work and that's to live by them (changes can always be made). What I think is the problem (like I've stated in a different thread) is the tone. Yes, I'm talking about the stamps and the 'this is a double post so without a warning, this is locked' attitude. This seems so un-TPF-like.

I don't want anyone to think I rolled over, Hertz made one point that clearly made sense to me..."The owners have the right to run it how they choose" and my disagreements do not mean a thing. I am however disappointed that Chase has chosen not to "speak" with me and has allowed his appointed staff the pleasure of smacking me in the head with offensively designed stamps and guidelines that reek with dictatorship. There could have been intelligent discussions centering around the problems with a modified approach to the issues. Several suggestion have been presented, but not discussed.

Hertz is right, it's his forum and he can do with it as he pleases.

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