Who still uses discontinued Nikon SLR/DSLR bodies?


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Apr 28, 2012
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San Diego, CA
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I was just curious if anyone still uses said discontinued Nikon bodies. I have a D5100, it's a great camera and I'm still learning to bring out it's potential. However I'm intrigued by the older models, especially the professional models. Does anybody get grief for still using an older camera?
Get grief? Who cares what other people think? If you like the photos your gear makes, then whatever you're using is fine. Many people still use old pro bodies (D2 series for example), d70 flickr group is still active, so's the d200 group. My d200 still works fine, although I did upgrade to a d300 for better low light shots.
i have been thinking of getting an older cam, most likely a d70, d2h or another d5000, i used to have a d5000 and its pretty darn good. The proffesional bodies intrigue me as well but when you can find a d5000 for ~350 with better low iso sensativity than a d2 its hard not to justify the consumer body.
I don't really see a reason why one should grief over older equipment especially if they still work and take great pictures. Cameras are not like computers that go obsolete quite fast. Fact is, I have a lowly 7 year old Casio point and shoot but I have no regrets as it still takes decent pictures. Same thing applies to DSLRs.
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Yeah well, I'd prefer getting an cheaper pro body over a cheap consumer body. I mean I'm seeing the D200 on ebay for under 400, but I may even consider the D100 which is around $150 range. Even the Nikon D2H is pretty cheap these days.
I use a 5DMarkI from 2006 quite regularly. It's not like people can tell what camera I am putting images out with unless they look at the exif, or in person if they know a thing or two about digital bodies. It's the photographer that does the legwork, the camera body that is the tool. If a hammer from 2006 works just as good as a hammer from 2012 for what you use it for, who cares what gets the job done?
Yeah, my 4-year-old D60 still works. So does my 12-year-old printer, 9-year-old keyboard, 3-year-old monitor, and my 5-year-old external drives. My Hewlett-Packard 48G+'s still work. So does my 2-year-old cell phone gets the job done. I have some ancient memory cards I still use, too. They're so old, they don't even have a "Class". I've got out-dated thumb drives, too.

And no one gives me any grief about any of my 'ancient' stuff.

Truth be told, the transit I use in my work is older than me!


Sent from the telegraph office via Western Union.
I still shoot with a Finepix S5 which is a Nikon D200.
Nikon body with Fuji sensor, all their DSLR cameras were Nikon bodies I think the S2 and S3 were N90s.
Nikon body with Fuji sensor, all their DSLR cameras were Nikon bodies I think the S2 and S3 were N90s.

So does that make Nikon Cameras, Sony cameras as well? Nikon's are just a Nikon body with a Sony sensor in them, right? ;)
Considering the top of the camera says "FujiFilm S5 Pro" and under the lens says "Nikon" you make that decision.
Considering the top of the camera says "FujiFilm S5 Pro" and under the lens says "Nikon" you make that decision.

Jeeze, take a joke. I was only kidding.

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