Winter Trees (3 Pics) C&C Welcome


TPF Noob!
Feb 19, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
All pictures were taken out the window of my car (wife was driving).



Nice. I like the mood and processing here; I might make the wires in #3 go away though.
I liked the first one the most.
I like #3, with a little less sky.
Nice. I like the mood and processing here; I might make the wires in #3 go away though.
Thanks for the suggestions. I like the wires in the first one, but you might be right
I like #3, with a little less sky.

Thank you for the constructive criticism. I think the wires and excess sky worked well in the first image, but not so much in the third image. I'll make those edits on the third one and see how it looks.
Here are some of the other photos I took from the drive. I uploaded 32 photos... but I only like about a dozen of them. I think the best photo by far is that first one I posted (with the truck, tree, and car)... but I'm fairly happy with some of the other ones considering I was just taking pictures from a moving car out of a very dirty/snowy window.

Drive by 6focusphotography

Are there any other good photos in this group?
There are pictures uploaded there i like more than the ones here. But how to i.d them?

#5 & 7 in the grid of thumbs.

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