You know you are a successful photographer when ............


TPF Noob!
May 14, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Finish the sentence and share your objective(s) or perhaps the achievement that you have already reached.

...when you are choosing your clients instead of hoping clients choose you.
...when the government asks you for an income tax payment every 6 months instead of every year.
when your too busy taking pictures instaid of spending half day on internet forums collecting post and likes.
What defines success? Is it someone purchasing you, your time or prints. Is it a feeling of accomplishment inside from knowing your image is perfect and there is nothing you could do to make it better. Is it being able to choose who you work for or if you even want to work for someone. I think success is relative to each person.
...when you can create images that are truly meaningful to others.
What defines success? Is it someone purchasing you, your time or prints. Is it a feeling of accomplishment inside from knowing your image is perfect and there is nothing you could do to make it better. Is it being able to choose who you work for or if you even want to work for someone. I think success is relative to each person.

Of course it is relative. For some it is on the artistic, perfectionist, expressive side of photography and for some practical pros it may tend toward doing whatever you want to do in the field and being able to maintain a very comfortable life style. For some it may be a little bit of both.

when you can capture/create an image that is so unique and stunning that even experienced photographers cannot figure out HOW you did it.
When you create a piece of **** that looks like a child could do it and it sells for a million dollars.
when people
your photos.
When you stop worrying about what everyone else thinks and just put your whole self into your images.

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