Your Instagram Goodness

Bitter Jeweler

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Apr 27, 2009
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Cleveland, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
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Forgive me if I am wrong, but we don't have an Instagram thread, do we?

Some local street storm troopers.


This was taken in Dehli India, Wind caught my friend's scarf covered my friggin face!!.. Classic instagram on iphone : nails_ink... I actually <3 Instagram
Here are some of my favorites in storyboard form:

Get on the Orient Point Ferry...
$2012-09-20 18.40.22.jpg

Then take a train...
$2012-09-29 11.17.52.jpg

To have a slice of NYC finest...
$2012-08-16 14.33.02.jpg

Enjoy room service while in the city...
$Photo Nov 10, 8 52 54 AM.jpg$Photo Nov 24, 8 49 00 AM.jpg

Then back on the train with a frosty beverage...
$2012-09-29 12.54.15.jpg

Then sail back home...
$2012-09-26 14.02.22.jpg

And that's a perfect weekend!
$2012-10-14 11.48.52.jpg
Those almost look like real photos.

Oh, wait...
I've had an account for about a year now and didn't have a single Instagram picture. I *still* don't really "get" it, but I'm trying hard to be hip! :D
Actually, I plan to start using it for work and need to know what I'm doing...

So, first ever Instagram pic (well, first one I've kept anyway..I think I did one or two after I signed up, then trashed them) right here:

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