
  1. poas

    Past of a Stranger - Photographic time travels into the past, captured by strangers.

    Hi all, my name is André and I have been digitizing the past for some time now. If you are interested, I would like to present my project: "Past of a Stranger" - or: Photographic time travels into the past, captured by strangers. I have currently published...
  2. J

    Flatbed Scans coming out Overexposed

    Hi, I'm fairly new to developing/scanning film but had a query with scanning negatives that are coming out overexposed on the scan. The negatives themselves are not very dense and look well exposed (you can still see through the darkest parts quite easily) but they are coming out overexposed...
  3. Veganist Falafel

    Purple corners when "scanning" B/W film negative

    Hello everybody! I'm completely new to this and I've started developing/scanning 35mm film just for personal use. I have two developed Ilford SFX200 B/W film rolls. One of them was developed at a professional lab and the other one I developed myself. However, when trying to scan the film I run...
  4. TWX

    Found some historical slides

    Long story short, found some historical color slides from the sixties and seventies, including of when one of the local high schools burned down. The unknown photographer managed to get on-scene while the place was ablaze and managed to get access in the aftermath, plus of construction of the...
  5. F

    Changing create date on a photo file

    Hi. When I scan my old film negativs I change the computers clock to the time that I took the photos. It is working fine so far but on my Windows I can only change the clock as far as 1988.. Now when I getting to my older photos I got a problem.. I have tryed severel meta changing programs but...
  6. NellsPhoto

    Getting Around Physical Texture on Photographs When Scanning?

    OK kids, I have another question that walks that fine line between digital and film... Yesterday I spent time attempting to get a decent scan of a 100-or-so year old photograph, and no matter how I changed settings and messed with Paint Shop Pro filters/effects/adjustments, I just couldn't get...
  7. J

    How best to scan old 4x6 prints?

    I am a total novice when it comes to photography. I am trying to scan decades worth of old printed photos, the majority of which are 4x6 prints shot on likely average cameras for the time period 60s-90s and developed at basic photo shops or drug store print centers. While I would like to...
  8. Judeamarco

    ColorNeg with BW Negatives

    After impulse buying ColourPerfect and getting a new V550, I wanted to scan a few of my old rolls with VueScan. But... Oh God, I tried watching the tutorial for black and white scans in the ColorNeg site but 5 minutes in, I wanted to go scratch my ears out. Anyone got any experience with...