15595 Hiru


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jul 18, 2007
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I am compelled to post this photo. Taken last night at my local animal shelter in Raleigh, NC. 15595 is his Animal ID number. Hiru is approx 2 months old and is a Shih Tzu / Chow Chow mix.


Look at your local shelter for a pet rather than a breeder, please.

Oh yeah, one more thing, please spay or neuter your pet.​
With those gorgeous pleading eyes, I'm sure/hoping he gets snapped up by a good home very quickly! :heart:

Great pic
That's the thing Anty.... the young, cute little buggers are sure to get snapped up, such as Hiru. There are many more mixed and pure breeds that often get overlooked because they are in a shelter instead of some puppy farm.

A couple more of Hiru..... just because.......



Thanks for looking.

....and yes, it's a bit on the cool side.​
That is a face anyone would love. Rescue dogs are the greatest.We took one from our local PetCo they have rescue center adoption weekends in the summer. She is a Boxer, Great Dane, Shepard mix. The litter was abandoned under a house. She is the most loving loyal dog anyone would want.I would not want anything but a mix.

Grate shots by the way!!
So adorable!!!!!!!! If I could, I'd buy him right now! I do plan to get my pet (someday!) from a local shelter. :)
Hiru has the blues.

Though yes, Hiru will soon be taken, his more adult fellow shelter dogs won't so easily be taken...

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