1st Picture Post ~A435~


TPF Noob!
Apr 13, 2017
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Ready to get flamed as I've never posted a picture for critiquing before (anywhere, ever :apathy: )

Called it A435 as that's the name of the road I was on when I spotted it and pulled over. Had my gear in the boot so away I shot.

Look forward to your opinions.

Very nice.

The only thing that jumps out is the un level horizon.
I like what you saw there.
I think you might have a stronger shot if you could have moved to a different view of the background ... reduction in distracting trees.
Colour balance seems to be a bit off.
Thanks for the quick replies guys!
Yeah definitely see what you mean about the distracting horizon. This was taken stood on the side of a 70mph road through a gap in the hedge line and the land is private.
Really tempted to hop the fences for a better shot but it means leaving the car where it may pose danger to others and I'd never Do that.

When you say colour balance is off dxq how do you mean? Is that something I've done post production.
1st bit of learning awesome :encouragement:
Sky color does not look quite true "blue" enough...I sense a slight greenish tinge to this. Overall, a worthwhile view to take in and commit to a photograph. This location looks familiar, almost as if I have seen this exact tree/spot here a couple years back!
Look forward to your opinions.
I like it. I understand why that central tree is centered in the frame. BTW: we should not call the distant edge the "horizon" because it's not actually the horizon. Lots of planet Earth actually slopes downhill in one direction, and uphill in the opposite direction. The slope is fine. Leave it.
It's impossible for we who have not seen this in person to know exactly the correct colors, but here is my version, FWIW.

sunshine - Version 2.webp
Sky color does not look quite true "blue" enough...I sense a slight greenish tinge to this.

Thanks for that brilliant feedback mate. I was using a graduated filter to try and bring out some of the detail in the clouds. Clearly been looking at it for too long and not realised until you said.

It's impossible for we who have not seen this in person to know exactly the correct colors, but here is my version, FWIW.

View attachment 138538

Thanks for that designer. Really changes the feeling of the picture. If you don't mind me asking, what and how did you make those corrections to the sky?

Thanks all
If you don't mind me asking, what and how did you make those corrections to the sky?
Using Aperture3, I clicked on "auto white balance".

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