35mm Canon Rebal G


TPF Noob!
Jul 25, 2009
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I am new here and should state that I have no plans of becoming a photographer. In fact, I drive a truck for a living and to long in the tooth to switch careers now. However, the smarter half and I have recently become grandparents and will soon be going on a cruise. I have been told that a wide angle lens is what is best for close portrait work and lansdscapes/sunsets.

My question is, what would be a decent lens for this without breaking the bank? We just want to have the photo albums for our own use, but want them to be decent. The camara came with a 35-80, but the landscape pics just seem to "wash" and do no justice to the scenery. Any help and advice is appreciated.
the widest lens i've heard of is 10-20mm. if Wide angle is what you're looking for then you'd have to get at least a "kit" lens that usually starts from 18mm.
is there a landscape shot that you can post so the Experts can figure out what went wrong or how you can make it better by choosing the right settings on your camera.
Since the Rebel G is a film camera, so you need to buy lenses that are not designed for APC-S cameras.

For Canon lenses, look for EF lens.

I will say the wide angle is good for landscape type photos but not so good for general portrait type shots instead, i will choose a lens from 50mm to 100mm.

What is your budget? Are you looking for prime lens (fix focal length) or zoom lens (adjustable focal length)?
I think your best bet would be to go to a shop and try different lenses to get an idea of the field of view that would be most suited to your needs. Even a lens that goes as wide as 24, like the Sigma 24-70 (or Canon 24-70 if you have a more expansive budget) would be a substantially wider option. Much wider than that and it's going to get tough to find inexpensive alternatives-- the Canon 17-40L is highly regarded and is an ultrawide on a film camera, but then you're looking at $600+.

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