I am new here and should state that I have no plans of becoming a photographer. In fact, I drive a truck for a living and to long in the tooth to switch careers now. However, the smarter half and I have recently become grandparents and will soon be going on a cruise. I have been told that a wide angle lens is what is best for close portrait work and lansdscapes/sunsets.
My question is, what would be a decent lens for this without breaking the bank? We just want to have the photo albums for our own use, but want them to be decent. The camara came with a 35-80, but the landscape pics just seem to "wash" and do no justice to the scenery. Any help and advice is appreciated.
My question is, what would be a decent lens for this without breaking the bank? We just want to have the photo albums for our own use, but want them to be decent. The camara came with a 35-80, but the landscape pics just seem to "wash" and do no justice to the scenery. Any help and advice is appreciated.