3rd String Fall Fair Photog!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 17, 2015
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So my baby girl started grade K.

I join “ Home and School” association.....

Fast forward two weeks later In shooting family photos at the fall fair.

I shot for two hours and put through 60 families, so that is less than 2 minutes per family, and I even cleared the line a few times!

Delivered all photos by midnight. Is that fast or no? At event and delivery.

This certainly was not easy, I need tips!

I feel like pro bono photography for my kids stuff is kinda obligatory as per is happy wife happy life, right?

This took 8 hours, yesterday plus a bit of prep time the day before and loading the truck. This is after working all day managing a Food Service.

Hardest part was post processing and delivery by email ( couldn't read some emails which is annoying af). I did the post on my phone.

We charged $5 each which was donated total of over $300 towards the purchase of bleachers for the school. Pretty happy when my hobby can help and I get to meet everybody at the school and take photos of my kids while Im at it.

Photos of behind the scenes and baby girl #2. Aka boo boo number 3. Aka Claire Bear.

C+C is appreciated.

A $5 donation for this sort of work is far too little. When I do my 'Pets with Santa' for local animal charities, it's about the same; we average 3-4 minutes/set for about 100-120 sets/day for two days. Minimum donation is $15 and most people give 20+. Your set looks good, and you've obviously nailed the process. One thing I don't do is the e-mailing. I process the images, put them up on the client side of my website in separate folders for each set, and they deal with the distribution.

Really, there aren't a lot of tips to give, as you seem to have figured it out. One suggestion I would make is that speedlights SUCK for this... too many 'AA' batteries, too slow recycle times.... proper studio lights of some sort are essential.
Thanks! I dont know if its figured out yet though! I want a faster delivery and less work and better photos haha

Speed Lights were at 1/8 ( which is faster than my monolight recycle) and rechargeable eneloop batteries.

I will upgrade my lighting soon, mainly to get another speed light, some more mods, diffusers, c stand etc better tripods etc. Etc.

Thanks again always love to hear from you!
Good on you for doing it. So many will not help like you did

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