70-200 f/4 or 2.8?


TPF Noob!
Apr 27, 2010
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I'm looking into getting a new lens, Canon 70-200 f/4 IS or 70-200 f/2.8 non-IS? They are virtually the same price. Or should I buy the 70-200 f/4 non-IS and have a few bucks left over for more toys? I want to do mainly sports shooting, mostly outdoor biking and skiing. But I wouldn't mind something to do a bit of indoor hockey shooting.

I have the f4 and I am always craving a shallower DOF to simplify my shots. Especially in sports, it's nice to blur the crowd or an unattractive background to bring focus on your subject.
The other bonus of having a wider max aperture of f2.8 is that it means when you go inside into poorer lighting you can use that wider aperture to shoot with a faster shutter speed. This helps to stop blur from your subjects moving - IS remember will only counter motion from your holding of the lens and will do nothing to counter the subject itself moving.

So most times with sports you should have a shutter speed fast enough to freeze motion so handshake won't be a major problem. Further should it prove to be so you can always use a monopod to greatly stabilize your setup without having the weight and bulk of a full tripod.

The only other thing IS will do is give you a smoother viewfinder image when composing a shot.
Thanks a lot for the answers guys, my only concern with the 2.8 is the weight. (kind of have a bunged up shoulder for the next few months) Is it too heavy to carry around all day without a tripod?
I don't find it to be too heavy. Now my 400 f2.8 I use on a monopod. The 70-200 is usually on a second body when shooting field sports so I carry it for long periods. If the shoulder in an issue then a good monopod is cheap and always good to have around.
Thanks a lot for the answers guys, my only concern with the 2.8 is the weight. (kind of have a bunged up shoulder for the next few months) Is it too heavy to carry around all day without a tripod?
I handhold the 2.8 IS all the time and am fine with it. It does get a little heavy if I shoot nonstop for a long time - but you would be fine with it.

I say go for the 2.8 - you will like being able to open up the lens.
Thanks a lot for the answers guys, my only concern with the 2.8 is the weight. (kind of have a bunged up shoulder for the next few months) Is it too heavy to carry around all day without a tripod?

I have walked around with my 7D/70-200 2.8 mk II for a half day or so, and it does get quite heavy. I am not a small guy either.

It can be done for a lot of people, but its far from comfortable/enjoyable. That is unless you are looking for a workout lol.

- Neil
I'm looking into getting a new lens, Canon 70-200 f/4 IS or 70-200 f/2.8 non-IS? They are virtually the same price. Or should I buy the 70-200 f/4 non-IS and have a few bucks left over for more toys? I want to do mainly sports shooting, mostly outdoor biking and skiing. But I wouldn't mind something to do a bit of indoor hockey shooting.

The 2.8 has the advantage of one stop of light extra, but that's it. Its years old and doesnt have weathing sealing, no rounded aperture blades. Its heavy.

The F/4 IS version is a really nice camera, one of the sharpest lens canon makes. The IS is also excellent. This version does have weather sealing (to be used with a weather sealed body), has rounded aperture blades (better/softer blur). MUCH lighter (by half?). Easily hand-holdable.

F/4 non-IS is really cheap, the cheapest "L" lens available by canon. Its years old (no weather sealing, no IS). Its still pretty sharp, but not like the IS version.

It is really up to you. The 2.8 IS version is the most popular, but pretty darn expensive. I think the F/4 IS is the second most popular version.

I personally have the F/2.8 non-IS and I do have some really sharp images (granted, I was using F/4 and F/5.6) as it was a bright day at soccer game. If I could, I would own both lenses, simply for the sharpness and lack of weight.

The F/4 IS is simply an amazing lens. You can't go wrong with it.
Thanks a lot for the answers guys, my only concern with the 2.8 is the weight. (kind of have a bunged up shoulder for the next few months) Is it too heavy to carry around all day without a tripod?

Go to a local camera store and hold the 2.8 version on a body. It is indeed heavy for a camera lens. It is not heavy if you think of it as a normal object. Ever been bowling? Up to 16 pound bowling balls. 6 pounds is the lightest and the 2.8 is about 3 pounds. You really get used to it. Also for prolonged use a monopod is really nice. I bought myself a nice manfrotto monopod for around $50 new and its REALLY nice for my sports photography. BTW Im 21 years old, a skinny guy and not the most muscular guy.
The 2.8 non-is and is mk i quality is MUCH worse the the f4 is.. And the 2.8 is a lot heavier/bigger.
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The 2.8 non-is and is mk i quality is MUCH worse the the f4 is.. And the 2.8 is a lot heavier/bigger.

I would not use the word much at all - the f4 IS does have a superior level of image quality when used wide open at f4 - but what we have to understand here is that its a hair splitting contest between pro lenses. That means that whilst the 70-200mm f4 is that bit sharper the 70-200mm f2.8 is still capable of giving a very good quality shot at f2.8 and f4. Yes there are other sharper options ( a 135mm f2 L would beat both at sharpness at the 135mm range) its not as cut and dry as one being vastly superior over the other.

Also why are we resurrecting a several month old discussion ;)
Depends if you do video to me. If you want to video with a telephoto and wont be using a tripod that IS is great. I don't know about size but i think if the IS motor is so large it would be similar in size as a f2.8. If i had the cash i would get the 2.8. I bought the f4 non IS and love it. When i want shallow DOF I shoot with my 50mm f1.4 sigma other wise I'm usually shooting f10+..... For the money the 200mm f2.8 L prime is sweet for low $$.

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