8x10 Camera?


TPF Noob!
Nov 23, 2008
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A Riverside Town by Canada
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My friend found me an Ansco Company 8x10 camera for 100 bucks at an antique shop. The person there is always willing to haggle the price down with me.

He didnt have much time to look at it, but the guy said he,d inspect it for me for any flaws.

He wrote down all the markings:

Ansco Company
Binghamptopn (?)(couldnt quite make it out) New York

The lens was made by Baucsh &Lomp Optical Co. with the city of Rochester New York written upon it and the number 3213519 under the city

and on the bttom of the front was the word "Century" Im assuming thats the model.

Next time im up there ill try to remeber my camera to take pictures..

Does this sound like a good deal (if its in good working order and not in to bad of shape)
PRetty good, but might be difficult to find film and processing.

Dip and Dunk !

Buy some tanks and developer ... and your off to the races.
Great way to work with B+W and the Zone System.
PRetty good, but might be difficult to find film and processing.

Film will probably be hard to find as far as processing goes DIY.

8x10 film is really easy to find and there is a lot of choice. Look here. However, the Ansco might not be a 8x10 camera as some older cameras used other film formats, which are harder to find today.
the Ansco might not be a 8x10 camera as some older cameras used other film formats, which are harder to find today.

I still havent been able to go look at and everything, Jake (the friend i mentioned) said he knew 4x5 and 8x10 were the standard 2 large formats. Since the back was rather large, he assumed it was an 8x10.

What was a similar format that it COULD be?

I dont want to touch anything because i have no idea what anything does and I dont want to scratch or break anything. (it looks quite old, I noticed a few cracks in the bellows, no obvious gaping holes, nothing a peice of tape couldnt temporarily fix, but other than that, nothing more than a couple scratches and some nicks in the tripod)
What was a similar format that it COULD be?

It might well be 8x10 (I am not saying it isn't as I am not very familiar with Ansco cameras and I don't know which one you have) but if it is an older camera, it could also be a whole plate (6.5x8.5 in) or a half plate (4.25x5.5 in) camera.

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