A close friend of mine was in a wreck


TPF Noob!
Jun 15, 2013
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Evans Mills, NY
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I'm posting this on every forum I'm on. A good friend of mine was in a tragic motorcycle accident. If her story touches your heart at all, she can use all the prayers she can get.


I've attached the text of the link below:

"Ursula Wachowiak started a dream in February of 2013 to ride her motorcycle across the country and experience different places and events. Her goal was to make it through every state in the country and visit various motorcycle friendly landmarks, events, gatherings, festivals, and make many new friends along the way. She had made it through the southern part of the country and stopped back in her hometown for the 4th of July. She was then off to the Sturgis rally in South Dakota. You can see her blog on the portion of the trip she completed at http://hdbroad.wordpress.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-BROAD/481237451921623

Unfortunately she never made it to Sturgis. On Wednesday July 17, 2013, just after crossing into Minnesota she was hit head on by a car trying to pass a semi. Thankfully she is still alive, but is by no means uninjured. She took a direct impact on her left leg as she was trying to swerve away from the vehicle coming at her head on at highway speeds. She was struck and thrown from the bike. Her left leg is in very bad shape. As of today July 18, 2013, she has been through the first of many surgeries, and has a tube down her throat to help her breathe. We hope and pray for her full recovery, but that is not for certain by a long shot. In the wake of this tragedy a few of her close friends, along with her son Nate, are setting up this fundraiser to help cover the cost of what will surely be some very expensive medical bills. Along with that any future rehabilitation and recovery is also going to come at a heavy cost.

Ursula does not have any health insurance so we please ask that you donate whatever you can to help out with her recovery. Ursula is in a hospital far away from home and needs all of our support. To help fund this trip she had sold everything she owned including her vehicle and all worldly possessions. She has no car, no home, and now no motorcycle. To fund her trip she was also working from the road on her laptop as a virtual assistant. Unfortunately this tragedy has now put her out of work and an income. Her dream has been shattered by this tragedy and she does not need a financial burden to make things worse. So we please ask that you kindly do what you can and help this wonderful woman out, the way that she would so kindly do for you.

Ursula has helped out so many people in her life. She always has a smile on her face and makes people feel happy when they are in her presence. She has always referred to herself as a people person and that could not be more true. She would give anyone anything she could if it would help them or make them feel better. I, Andrew, a close friend of hers, can tell you this from personal experience. When I was at the lowest point in my life she did everything she could to help me, including offering me a place to stay. So lets pay it forward and help her out in her desperate time of need.

Your generosity is very much appreciated. It does not matter if you donate $5 or $10,000, every little bit helps. Lets help bring that beautiful smile back to her face and get her on a full and speedy recovery! Thanks again for your donation!

people have requested an address to send checks and other donations to, please make them payable to Ursula and please send them to

Ursula Wachowiak

care of

Area One Motorsports
9800 Franklin ave.
Franklin Park, IL. 60131"

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