A few from a traditional family shoot

o hey tyler

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Aug 3, 2009
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Crossing our fingers that it didn't rain, I had a family shoot out at Portland Head Light, the most photographed lighthouse in the US. Cold and overcast is the name of the game, but the families were happy with the result. C&C welcome.






Good stuff Tyler. That park is such a good setting.
Nicely done!
Though, the title confuses me a little.
When i think "traditional shoot" i think backdrops and studio shots.
Or did you mean portraits of a traditional family?

Either way, i really like these.
Nicely done! Though, the title confuses me a little. When i think "traditional shoot" i think backdrops and studio shots. Or did you mean portraits of a traditional family? Either way, i really like these.

I guess just traditional in the sense that they're pretty tame. I see what you mean in regards to a backdrop/studio session being traditional. Thanks everyone. :)

I'd try for a little more tonal separation between background and foreground in the b&w conversion.

The one after the b&w baffles me. What IS that background? It feels like they're in a pocket universe which ends a few feet behind them. I'm pretty sure this is one of those deals where when you know what it is, it all snaps into focus and makes sense but when, like me, you don't it just makes no visual sense at all. This isn't really a criticism, I kinda like the picture. I'm just confused by it.
Nice. I'd try for a little more tonal separation between background and foreground in the b&w conversion. The one after the b&w baffles me. What IS that background? It feels like they're in a pocket universe which ends a few feet behind them. I'm pretty sure this is one of those deals where when you know what it is, it all snaps into focus and makes sense but when, like me, you don't it just makes no visual sense at all. This isn't really a criticism, I kinda like the picture. I'm just confused by it.

I can see what you're saying and understand where you're coming from. It's the trunk of the lighthouse which is white. I was hoping there would be more access to the rocks surrounding the structure but it was quite fenced in.
Suddenly the strange curve of the "grass horizon" makes perfect sense. Maybe it's just me. Now it's totally obviously a curved wall, but somehow I got my brain locked in to something else.

Suddenly the strange curve of the "grass horizon" makes perfect sense. Maybe it's just me. Now it's totally obviously a curved wall, but somehow I got my brain locked in to something else. Thanks!

Ohhhhh my bad. Read the question quickly while I was making breakfast. The one after the b&w is an overcast sky. I was shooting up a hill while prone. The b&w was in front of the lighthouse. Sorry about the confusion.
AIG! Now I cannot unsee the "lighthouse" behind them ;)
I like them, but they all seem a touch under-exposed to me...

I like them, but they all seem a touch under-exposed to me... Jake

Cool, thanks for bringing that up. Thanks for the feedback Jake.
I saw the apparent underexposure, and I think it's just the way homeboy processes things, the midtones are pressed down a little I think. It gives this pretty distinctive look which feels very Maine to me. Which means nothing, because I have been to Maine like once in my life, but I think of it as cool, moist, overcast, evergreens, and chill.
I saw the apparent underexposure, and I think it's just the way homeboy processes things, the midtones are pressed down a little I think. It gives this pretty distinctive look which feels very Maine to me. Which means nothing, because I have been to Maine like once in my life, but I think of it as cool, moist, overcast, evergreens, and chill.

Accurate assessment from fellow homeboy.

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