A few from New Year's eve


TPF Noob!
Oct 14, 2005
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Here are a few shots taken at the college in town. It was about 11 o'clock and I was bored so i figured hey ill shoot up the campus...er...I mean...well you know what I mean. Anyway, I took some shots i was very happy with. Here are a few of them.





*All of these were taken with my ISO set to 1600 (Accidently)! yeah I know a little high. I took some tonight at a way lower ISO (100). They turned out way sharper w/ less noise. I'll post those later. Thanks and Enjoy:mrgreen:
These have been up and about for over 6 hours and haven't attracted even a single comment as yet? I don't understand... they are GOOD!

I have only just finished commenting crawdaddio's Night Shot Series, and in there I am stating already how much I like night photography in general, so in here I can only repeat myself.

Despite my super-high-res large new flatscreen I am not too bothered by the high ISO in these and only just about see a little of the noise you are referring to in the sky of the first photo. But like I am saying: it does not bother me at all! I like the vanishing point character of the first, the Christmas decorations still up around the lamp poles and the layer of snow on the street. Makes it all look very quiet and peaceful!

The second is wonderfully symmetrical - others might be able to see better than I do, however I would not know how you could get any better on this one.
The third is interesting since the sculpture is interesting, but it does not fascinate me so much. Exposure is good, I can see that. And I think I like the fact that the sculpture is lit but so also is that window in the background.

The point of view, building as such, and overall atmosphere of the last makes me think we are looking at the back of a hospital... can't tell why... possibly because many hospitals round here look like that (the older type).
I like the third one a lot, that sculpture look alive.
The fist one is really good.. those lights force you to look in the path direction, like if you were walking it, nice

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