A few from the Clacton Airshow:


TPF junkie!
Mar 9, 2014
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North Essex UK (despite the German hosting!)
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I spent Thursday & Friday last week, trying to capture the Clacton Airshow. I didn’t manage anything to the standard of many here, but I’m reasonably pleased with some of the results:

Autogyro 2015 by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

IMGP5402small by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

IMGP5612small by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

Tigers Parachute display team by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

Flying Fortress - Sally B by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

Red Arrows split by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

I'm frustrated so say a decent picture of the Vulcan eluded me yet again, I doubt I'll get another chance now!
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I'd say that's a pretty nice series. I think cooling off the WB might help, as they all seem quite warm to me.
I'd say that's a pretty nice series. I think cooling off the WB might help, as they all seem quite warm to me.
Thanks John, I obviously rushed the processing too much. I think the warm look might have worked in the favor of the B17 shot, but it does deter from several of the others. I'll see if I can have another go at them :)
I have to say that a bit warm or not, I love the shot of the B-17! :)
It's weird...WB setting during processing a big batch of images can lead me to setting too cool or too warm a WB value, thinking, "This looks great!" and then I'll apply that WB to a whole mess of images, then I'll come back the next day and open up the software, and sometimes I say to myself, "What the heck was I thinking? These look crazy!" lol. Not saying that's what you did, but sometimes I think I suffer from a WB adaptation...like the garbage man/sanitation worker who says, "Smell? What smell? I don't smell anything bad, it's just trash!" lol

Love the B-17! The sheer menacing looks of that aircraft's industrial design is a thing of beauty.

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