A few new shots


TPF Noob!
Aug 24, 2010
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Hey guys, just a few more edits I've been working on. Any comments/critiques are greatly appreciated.




I like numbers 1 and 3. The rest don't do much for me...
The first three all offer leading lines right to, through or in the centre of the photo, which bugs me a bit. More visual interest can be created when the lines take a diagonal (can also be rounded) path and point to somewhere in one of the "famous" spots indicated by the imaginary grid of the "Rule of Thirds".

You can get away with it in the fog photo, though. That one's interesting because of the mysterious aspect fog gives to things.

The last is not bad as far as composition goes but I'm not too sure about the conversion, I find the "sepia" colouring a bit too much - is there a chance for us to see the original (or a pp-ed pic in colour)?
love number 3 good job and i like the idea of number 4 but i think black and white with a bit more contrast might look better
The last is not bad as far as composition goes but I'm not too sure about the conversion, I find the "sepia" colouring a bit too much - is there a chance for us to see the original (or a pp-ed pic in colour)?

Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone.

Here is a quick edit of #4 with its original colors...

composition doesnt work for me in #1 and 2. of course #3 is the money shot. 4 is just boring. :)
#3 for me, look very mysterious with the b&w and fog.
#3 is nice. Maybe crop a little off the top and a tad from the bottom to make it slightly more widescreen format? Nice photo.
I think #4 would be better in the color, but that's just me. I like the rest of them...#1 how the mountains keep going and going, #2 i like how the rocks look like they go right into the water

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