A few of my favorites from our trip to Italy


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Mar 12, 2024
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Rome street


The Duomo in Florence

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I was standing on a bench getting yelled at by a guard when I was taking the pics of Michaelangelo’s David. Thought I was going to get kicked out.


Pompeii vineyard with Mt Vesuvius in the background.
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Our trip was absolutely amazing. My only complaint was a lot of the sites in Rome were being cleaned/restored for the Jubilee and were covered up. I will definitely go back to Italy. Just finalized our plans for London, Paris and Belgium for this Fall.
Love the first shot with its contrast between vertical and horizontal lines created by the buildings and that very long street.
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Some of my favorite pics were of just random building and streets. This was in Florence as we were walking to Piazza de Michaelangelo. I loved the way the lines flowed and also contrasted with the dome. I wish I could’ve gotten more of the dome but that was the best a short guy could do without a step ladder.
Nice set of photos. I like the first one the best. I'm not a big fan of street shots of buildings on the side, but I like yours. The shot was done in portrait mode and it captures the seen nicely.
all beautiful but favorite was Rome Street

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