A few sunset pictures, C&C please


TPF Noob!
May 28, 2009
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Heres a few sunset pictures off my latest film:






Their all clickable if you want a bigger size. So what do you guys think, any pointers for next time?
I think #'s 1,2,5 are my favorites. Maybe #5 woulda been better with the sun in the picture? Just a thought.
Very nice color and composition, BUT they all seem noisy as hell. I can't get EXIF data. What ISO where you shooting at?
Very nice color and composition, BUT they all seem noisy as hell. I can't get EXIF data. What ISO where you shooting at?

Its because they were shot with a 35mm SLR and then scanned in. It was an ISO 200 film but the scans were only done by my local camera lab so their not the best quality. When I can afford my own scanner, maybe I'll be able to scan them a bit better
Awesome work! I love them all! I have a question about #4 though. What is in the foreground? Is it trees from a distance, or some sort of very small plant up close? It looks to have a pretty shallow DOF which I think contributes to making the foreground objects look small.
Awesome work! I love them all! I have a question about #4 though. What is in the foreground? Is it trees from a distance, or some sort of very small plant up close? It looks to have a pretty shallow DOF which I think contributes to making the foreground objects look small.

Thanks for the kind remarks!

Its a patch of white clover I found growing on a rock. I think i used f5.6 and got quite close to get a nice shallow DOF, I just thought it made a quite interesting subject.

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