a Fun Friday?

So, at this point, i still have no steaks for the grill, the chihuahua is rolling back and forth on the ground, howling in pleasure, goddess, karissa, terri, and chase have to sit down at the picnic table because they are out of breath from laughing so hard. The leprechaun snaps his fingers and dissappears with a loud popping sound, at which point, directectly in the middle of the table...
...appears a ninja in all black swinging two swords around, screaming japanese curses. He lunges towards karissa, terri and godess full force. I come flying out of what seems like no where and kick the ninja in the chest saving the ladies lives. Now standing with my hands on my hips and the women holding on to me the ninja stands up...takes of the mask...and its...
The most ugly worst nightmare anyone ever saw.... Clouds roll in and lighting strikes the Chihuahua who amazingly, lives. The wind picks up and the dust whirls around trying to snuff out the fire on the grill and blinds everyone. Greig, standing their with the face of an avenger and rippling muscles,......
faces his revealed foe: his nemesis, Darth FreakySmilingThingy.

The women, seeing the monster before them, break out into terrified laughter.

Darth FreakySmilingThingy then issues forth his challenge:
Observing that his enemies become powerless before his stunning visage, Darth FreakySmilingThingy devises a dasterdly plan! Complete forgetting about the small group curled up on the ground clutching their stomachs, Darth FreakySmilingThingy decides to become a stand-up comedian who specializes in Jedi-fart-powers jokes. If he can get on Leno, he could have the whole country in his powers! And then the world, bay-bee! The world!

Coming out of his daydream, Darth FreakySmilingThingy noices that the little dog has just piddled on his pantleg and Graig is...
Conspiring with Mark, Chase, and Toby on how to hook up the dog and Darth FreakySmilingThingy and steal away with the girls who are .....
In a kiddie pool full of mayo. Matt returns from vegas just in time to...


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