A musing Wall


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 13, 2012
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Behind the Irony Curtain
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$Wall muses web.jpg
Very different from the normal street shots we see so often. It's part of the well-known strategy Bob Krist talks about often; finding a cool local backdrop, wall, or building facade, and then waiting for people to come along and be photographed in front of said local architectural feature. The wall though is just..so..weird!
Yes, the building is unusual - even more so because it is a residential one.

$Wall m web.jpg
Yeah...I was thinking it was some avante-garde theatre building! Nicely seen sashbar! I can just barely see your reflection in the window of the second frame.
Well, there is a small avante-garde Art Gallery in this building..
The rubber duck amuses me greatly. My bathroom is rubber duck themed. I think there's 30 or so of them in there. Very nice work.

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