A Portrait ala Dexter


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 8, 2008
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Just outside Toronto Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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For you fans of Dexter you can go to their site and download the cut and apply it to your photo.

What Ive done here would only make any sense to those who watch Dexter on TV. The cut is just a game of sorts that the Dexter site has put up. You download the cut and past it onto a photo.
Haha I've seen these a lot on facebook lately. I love DEXTER. Best show ever :) ...and yeah, your right...no one is gonna know wtf that is unless they watch the show LOL

Can't wait to see season 5!!! 4 had some Crazy twist! :-o
Thanks flawed. I cant wait to see new season too. Cant imagine it without Julie. A character can get written out but in this case there are the vulnerable innocent kids who loved their mom. I dont like that even for a story. Only the surprises ahead will convince me it was worth it. Besides she was the best looking person in the series and always a joy to watch. But thats just me.
Hey, nice to meet you in a clear photo of yourself! Nasty cut you got in your face! What happened :greenpbl: ;) :biggrin: ... Germans don't know Dexter, though...

Dexter is a serial killer who kills by a code his father taught him. He kills only those who deserve it according to the code. And to top it off he is a blood splatter expert for the police department. Its one of the most intriguing series to come along in a long time.
For those of you who don't know--Dexter plays on 'sho-time' has been on about 4 years...this is the 5th... You can rent the previous seasons' box sets just about anywhere...if you havnt you should :p VERY good show, imo. Lol

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