A smiling 1949 Ford


TPF Noob!
Mar 15, 2008
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My friend owns this and more, so i took a B&W and also a color of it, then I drew it later.

love it

to me the crop feels wrong and lopsided tho

have you got more of this classic?

id love to see a plain bw conversion

and maybe a shot taken from the front again more at angle to catch the sides too
and ramp up the detail somehow

lets have em!
Glad you liked it. I now live in Montana and that truck resides in NYS, so i won't be getting anymore. I didn't touch it after I took it--this is raw. I just put it up for fu, but i do have a color of this same front if you'd like to see that.

Thanks again...:thumbup:
I think the composition could use some work, but the truck looks very interesting
Very interesting subject indeed! I own a fully restored '51 Ford F100 that I need to get some pics of as well.

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