For what you can learn on the internet for free compared to what you learn in a photography course that you pay good money for, I wouldnt recomend you go to school.
If you feel the need, go for it.
If not, you should start out with a decent camera. Maybe a secondhand Nikon D50 or D70.
A Nikon FM10 is a good camera. It is a fully manual film camera. So it really forces you to want EVERY picture to be perfect, since you are paying for the film.
You can get a d50 or d70 one for around 200-300 dollars, and the FM10 brand new with a 35-70mm lens for 250, depending on luck and where you look.
If you can find one with the kit lens, even better.
After the Kit lens, get a 50mm.
Keep the 50mm lens on the camera whenever you are practicing. Practice with that one lens. Just go out and take pictures, record the settings, and the type of light (with flash, without flash, sunny day, overcast ETC)
After you get the picture on the 'putor or get the prints, check back to your notes. Change how you shoot from there. Go out the next day, with your notes, and shoot accoriding to that.
That will teach you basic exposure, and you wont need to pay for a college course.
Also, since you have no zoom, youll have to compose the picture exactly how you want the picture, instead of beeing lazy and just turn a ring.