Aaron LeCain's Black and White Gallery.


TPF Noob!
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Mods if I can't have a Gallery thread please let me know. I will add photos as I create them.

I am new to TPF but I have been working on these for quite a while. All of my Photos were taken with a Sony A77 and processed on Photoshop CS5 and uploaded on photobucket. I am always learning new things as I am self taught in Photoshop and digital photography.
I am looking for constructive criticism and pointers. There are quite a few pictures here so enjoy.

“Cat Tail”






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You will get more critique, and be a happier person in general, if you limit your image post to 3 images ;)
But... I looked through...I like some of them very much. The car grill shot...the train tracks...both great images. Some were just snapshots...didn't seem to fit with the rest. It is better to chose a few you think are the best....post those. I like your style, though...but gotta weed out the garden IMO. Great job.
I count 8 really nice shots, but with so many pictures posted at once it's hard to do any more than just glance at each one. It takes time to study a picture and make intelligent comments on it's positive and negative aspects. If you want really useful feedback you might want to limit the number of shots you submit at any one time. Otherwise I think people might glance through them, but not invest the time for serious critique.

My overall impression is that I like a lot of the shots, and I like a few of them very much.
What I will do so I can keep track of them is limit the photos to a few in this thread and post a few more in the thread later.
I like your eye for imagery.
I suggest when you want to post new images, just start a new thread. Title it based on the theme in your images. Or just just make them all sequential like "My Gallery #1, #2 and so on.

When people open a thread they will scroll down the first page or two and then jump to last. That means anything posted on pages 3 - last will get lost.

I do like your stuff though. The contrast seems a bit severe in some of them. But I don't mind it so much could just be a matter of style.
I am a fan of high contrast. I will keep one thread so I can keep track. I know it isn't the norm but I like it that way.

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