Adapted Lens: what do I need to know?


TPF Noob!
Dec 8, 2022
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I bought some adapters for a couple of lenses that came along with some of the cameras I’ve gotten second hand that weren’t originally for said cameras . Attaching them to the camera was easy, and the cameras seem to function as usual with them on.
My question here is are there drawbacks and/or cons to using adapted lenses? What are things I need to know? Are there adjustments I need to make to get proper exposure?
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A specific answer depends on the lens and the camera mount. Sometimes brand A lenses work fine on brad B cameras, but brand B lenses won't work on brand A camera.

There is no one, single answer.
G'day mate

..... and there's always a slight chance that the combo will not quite focus on infinity - the tiny thickness of the adapter ring might push the lens out that tiny bit further than an original lens would sit in the body

A specific answer depends on the lens and the camera mount. Sometimes brand A lenses work fine on brad B cameras, but brand B lenses won't work on brand A camera.

There is no one, single answer.
I mean, the way I worded my post, I wasn’t expecting one single answer.
The cameras in question are a Nikon F2 adapted to fit Minolta lenses (various ones) and various Minolta Xs cameras adapted to fit a Super-Lentar 1:3.8(Pentax m42 mount) lens.
As mentioned, compromised infinity focus is usually a problem. Stop-down metering(please check that out)is usually necessary since there's no longer any mechanical connection relating aperture to the camera body's metering system.

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