Advice for my first model shoot


TPF Noob!
Sep 22, 2010
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San Francisco
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Well the title may have made it sound more extreme than it really is, but My 24" softbox, radio transmitter and light stand came in the mail today (gotta love amazon) and tomorrow I am going to test this equipment out by doing a little shoot of my 2 sisters, so it will be very little pressure and a good learning experience for me and Free :mrgreen: I am using my Sb-600 with the softbox and a D40 with an 18-200 f/3.5

for location i was thinking of going to this local park maybe shoot in some fresh green grass, as well as up in the hills where its all dead grass.

so i was wondering if anyone had any Advice, pointers etc... for a first timer since im sure many of you are far from new to strobist photgraphy

also does anyone know of a good article or something I could read to learn more about lighting placement and how it effects the image, I have been looking but haven't found a very in depth article..

i'll post pics for c&c tomorrow if the shoot goes through

Thank You
Forget the articles, get books. The library is replete with books on lighting. Okay, "replete" is a five dollar word. I was just watching Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country and Spock used it. I thought it was such a cool word, I've been using it all day.

Thanks for the mail, mailman. I see your bag is "replete" with mail... Sorry, honey, I didn't bookmark all those porn sites. Uh...our computer is replete with viruses and stuff...that did it...


The library is full of such books. The Portrait: Understanding Portrait Photography is a new book, published just last year. I think it is excellent. I have read it twice. It is replete with good information.

On your test shoots, focus on one skill at a time. Don't work on lighting and posing. Concentrate on one skill at a time.

I hope you are replete with luck...and stuff.
Someone gave me this link a long time ago when I was just starting out with studio lighting. It was extremely useful to me as a starting point, hope it is for you as well!
Forget the articles, get books. The library is replete with books on lighting. Okay, "replete" is a five dollar word. I was just watching Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country and Spock used it. I thought it was such a cool word, I've been using it all day.

Thanks for the mail, mailman. I see your bag is "replete" with mail... Sorry, honey, I didn't bookmark all those porn sites. Uh...our computer is replete with viruses and stuff...that did it...


The library is full of such books. The Portrait: Understanding Portrait Photography is a new book, published just last year. I think it is excellent. I have read it twice. It is replete with good information.

On your test shoots, focus on one skill at a time. Don't work on lighting and posing. Concentrate on one skill at a time.

I hope you are replete with luck...and stuff.

Depends on which library...

For example, the library that I work at has a very poor selection of photography books. Basically they only have the basic photography books. they even refused to buy "Understanding Exposure" for me...

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