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Advice on lens cleaning....


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2004
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Rayleigh, Essex
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I'm an absolute newb when it comes to SLR's and lenses. I have a second-hand Minolta 7000 and it looks like all the lenses and filters have got a fair bit of dust on them.

What's the best way to clean them without causing any damage?

Thanks! ;)
IMO the first thing is to use an air blower (one of the squeezy ones) to blow dirt and dust off the lens. That way you reduce the risk of damaging the lens by dragging dirt across it with a cloth. After blowing off as much stuff as possible I personally just use a soft microfiber cloth; I tend to avoid chemicals unless the dirt won't shift. I'm no expert though, I'm sure someone else can tell you about specific techniques.
You might want to use also a brush. I personally also have an experience with a special fabric cloth and I've been happy with it but it's right that you have to remove the dirt fragments first otherwise you'll scratch the lens/filter.
Using a UV filter which you keep on at all times would also be advisable. If/when the filter get scratched you just buy a new one. Buying a new lens would be a more costly thing...

if your lens is really dirty, use ear-cleaner (dunno the word in english, the thing you use for ear cleaning, plastic stick with cotton on the both ends) with a drop of water on it, and clean gently. Use tissues for dryng. Never use any glasses cleaning " chemistry" for it may damage to coating.
Otherwise, a glasses tissue is OK and very efficient. Go to your local glasses-seller and beg for one ("ooh please for my lens' sake be kind enough to give me a tissue")
And also a brush as mention in the previous messages.
Rolleistef said:
use ear-cleaner (dunno the word in english, the thing you use for ear cleaning, plastic stick with cotton on the both ends)

LOL...we, or at least I, call them Q-tips (brand name) or a cotton swab
Rolleistef said:
if your lens is really dirty, use ear-cleaner (dunno the word in english, the thing you use for ear cleaning, plastic stick with cotton on the both ends) with a drop of water on it

They're normally called "cottun buds" in the UK

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