Airbrushed Skin


TPF Noob!
Dec 10, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I know how to get rid of blemishes and imperfections, but I see a lot of photos that just have this amazing glow to the skin, please help! I have CS3, if there are any video tutorials you know of, I love those, I need step by step directions, be as specific as possible please so I can take excellent notes (Yup, I'm a nerd).

Thank you a ton!
RetouchPRO is a great spot to check out (if you haven't already). I would suggest investing some money (if this is a for profit venture for you), and looking into the tutorial series. They have one that is about retouching for fashion. They also have a GENERAL retouching series. For your efforts I would suggest the one linked. I'm sure, if you are studious enough, you can find these videos for quite a discount eslewhere.
If you Google 'Photoshop + Skin' will get many thousands of usable links.
HERE is one I've had in my collection of links for a while.

This seems to be one of those things that the average person can do, and get average results. But there are some people with exceptional skills who can get exceptional results. It's a skill that must be learned and practiced.

Check out YouTube for plenty of video tutorials.

Of course, you can go directly to the source (Adobe)
Adobe TV

Also check out Photoshop User TV and anything else related to NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) and Scott Kelby and Kelby Training.
Seriously you're the greatest!
if you havnt figured it out yet, trying using the clone stamp to remove blemishes and use the action called "lord of the rings" to soften the skin and give a glowing effect. its a funny name but has fantastic results.
I'll second Mikes recomendation for checking out, NAPP's web site.

Or just purchase Portrait Professional Studio 9 and be done after a couple of mouse clicks and 45 seconds of processor time.

NAPP members get a discount (just one of many).

They have a free trial you can download at
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There are a lot of amazing tutes on You tube. Personally, my favorite dude in the whole world, and a dear friend is Ray Prevost. You have to pay for that, but it is worth every penny.
Trial and Error got me! I figured it out.

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