airshow images


TPF Noob!
Jun 25, 2017
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Hi my name is Ash and i live in the UK. I'm disabled and use a wheelchair. I'm going to an airshow in September and i want to take photos of the flying jets and spitfires using my mobile phone. I only have the use of my left arm, so i've got a selfie stick with a bluetooth remote button so i can take the images. Will my androiid phone take good quality stills as the aircradt will be flying quickly? Should i zoom in a little, if so, i'll have to leave the phone zoomed in as i won't be able to adjust it having one hand. I have a samsung A70 phone. Thanks.
Ash, if it's not too late to help you out...

With the exception of the small aerobatic planes, almost all of the performers will do what's called a "photo pass" or a "banana pass," usually at the end of the routine. This is a curved path with a wing down so everyone on the ground can get a good photo of the plane as it goes by. This usually isn't very fast.

Use good technique for tracking any action shots. Keep tracking the subject as it goes by, even after you've hit your shutter.

Bluetooth shutters tend to lag a little bit, so you might get better results by shooting video and pulling still from it later. Good luck!

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