Amusement Park some CC please


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Mar 12, 2013
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$Amusement Park.webp


$amusement park BW.webp
I'm a black and white fan (more than color) and I like the color version 1000x more. I'm viewing it on my iPhone, so I cannot comment on sharpness, but everything else is great. The reflection is outstanding. The only little nitpick I have is the one yellow star right in the middle of the frame, when all the other stars are blue.
Did you use a tripod? Also I think you could have zoomed in just a bit further to get the cars on the left out of the frame and to make the park take up the better portion of the frame but just enough to keep the reflection.
This one definitely needed a tripod. It's blurry from hand movement and makes it hard to enjoy, unfortunately. The colors are great, though.
Interesting feedback. I did use a tripod by the way so there should not have been any movement. I had forgotten my shutter switch but I set the camera on a 2 sec timer so there would be no movement when i pressed the shutter button. The ferris wheel turns slowly so I used a 2 sec exposure to capture that movement. I masked in the starry sky from another image I had shot the previous day.
Was your focus on the water? I'm not sure what's going on here, but everything on land looks extremely soft, while the reflections in the water appear to me quite sharp.

I agree with others that the b&w is a bust. This is all about the colors.
Interesting feedback. I did use a tripod by the way so there should not have been any movement. I had forgotten my shutter switch but I set the camera on a 2 sec timer so there would be no movement when i pressed the shutter button. The ferris wheel turns slowly so I used a 2 sec exposure to capture that movement. I masked in the starry sky from another image I had shot the previous day.

Good call using a delay but it looks like you shot this with a wide open aperture given that you only had a two second exposure time. What was your settings? Did you turn off IS if you have it? Where did you focus? The boats will naturally have some blur because boats rock but everything else looks extremely soft like Amolitor has already mentioned and only a 2 second exposure for a shot at night leads me to believe that you shot this wide open which doesn't make much sense given you had a tripod and size of the scene.
the feedback is great guys keep it coming. It's amazing to know what others see in your photo that you may overlook.

I agree about the softness of the land based objects and my focus must have been on the water, I don't remember exactly what I did. My aperture was set at F6.3 so not so wide open but not entirely closed either.

ElectroSpotlight you mentioned the reflection of the stars in the water. I am kicking myself for not having thought of that. However, can you really see where the sky was added?
Went through my shots again from that night and found a better one, must have been editing images late at night :grumpy:. Anyways re did it taking your comments on board. What do you think of this one.
$amusement park 16.webp
There's definitely camera shake. Could have been wind, unstable ground like boardwalk or platform, or a strap blowing. You should be able to get sharp shots on a tripod regardless of how long the exposure. There's no real element of composition. The negative space doesn't add to the image. Think about what would make the shot different from what anyone else could do, and then work toward that.
Drop a longer timer like 5-10 seconds next time. This could be a great picture. Go back and shoot it lol
There's definitely camera shake. Could have been wind, unstable ground like boardwalk or platform, or a strap blowing. You should be able to get sharp shots on a tripod regardless of how long the exposure. There's no real element of composition. The negative space doesn't add to the image. Think about what would make the shot different from what anyone else could do, and then work toward that.

I will try and go back and shoot it. Could you give some examples of how you would better compose the shot. I did think about composition and tried to follow the rule of thirds. My horizon may be a bit lower than intended but still does not cut the picture in half. The ferris wheel and its reflection I thought were the main interest in the image so I kept them off center. I am aware of the negative space but don't know what I can do about it. If I zoom in more then I feel the image loses effect. Being a night shot there is bound to be some dark, empty areas.

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