...and Christ extended his arms, calling all the animals to him

Great capture!
As most people have already said, this is a very powerful image. One to totally be proud of. I am a complete beginner, but would LOVE to be able to have claimed this shot. I agree with LightSpeed, not to artsy, and def. a wall hanger =P
I'm also a Christian, so as others have said, this shot speaks to me stronger than it would to somebody who isn't a Christian.

Great image. Love it.
Thanks guys!
I also think this is a powerful shot even though I'm not religious myself. Most of my family is religious and say its quite touching.
That's definitely a cool perspective on the statue. With the perspective of the birds it makes the statue seem life-size and not that far away compared to how huge it actually is.


This is one of those pictures that, is made more by the content than technical aspects. If it had been a picture of an empty glass of water that birds flew in front of it would not have the same appeal. :)
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Been wanting to post on this and just forgot. I think this image is probably one of the most powerful images posted on this site in a long time. Great job, even if it wasn't intentional lol.
Not a Christian, but love the photo. Just one question, wasn't it Noah who called all the animals? Not trying to be a smart mouth or anything.
This is what's called a "happy accident" :lol:

Great work.

But how much of an accident could it have been? You get the credit for being there and taking the shot. No one forced you to :thumbup:
Well, the Bible is a little obscure about that, but God told Noah to take 2 of every animal, a pair of each with him. It's pretty easy to assume that Noah called them, but since the animals probably weren't huddled together in one spot, it's likely that God directed the animals or caused them to follow Noah...whatever the case...Noah did indeed have charge over the animals on the ark...lol
Except for the cats, because remember, dogs have owners, cats have staff. :lol:
I was just asking, because I think the OP might need to find another verse for naming the photo. Then again, I know very little about the New Testament, so I have no idea if there is any mention of the OP's title.
LOL! So true. I have 5 cats. They own me.

I don't think there is any mention of that particular type of thing happening with birds and such...but my guess is the OP was sort of naming the picture and putting his (her?) own idea of what the picture was meaning...that is what I got from it anyway.
Except for the cats, because remember, dogs have owners, cats have staff. :lol:
I was just asking, because I think the OP might need to find another verse for naming the photo. Then again, I know very little about the New Testament, so I have no idea if there is any mention of the OP's title.

My sense wasn't that the title was necessarily in reference to Noah's Ark, but rather just the power of Christ to draw all things to Himself. But I didn't take the picture, or TITLE the picture, so I can't say for sure. ;)

Yeah, I'm a Christian too (hence the screen name), and yes, I love this photo; absolutely striking. But I wouldn't say it speaks to me more *strongly* because of my faith; just that it speaks to me perhaps *differently* because of my faith. It may, in fact, elicit just as strong a "connection" from someone who is not a Christian, just for different reasons.
It's just a very striking photo, and it's well done! Wish I'd taken it. For that matter, I wish I was in Brazil right now even if I *wasn't* taking that photo. Because I'm pretty sure it's warm there, and I despise this cold.

Note to all you Northerners and Canadians, of which there seem to be a gracious plenty around here: YES, I am talking about *Southern* cold, which would make most of you think you'd walked out into a sauna. It was only about 30 deg. F here yesterday, about 18 last night...though I admit it was 50 today...but I don't like anything below about 60. There's a REASON I was born in the south... :lol:

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