Andrew w new BG


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 9, 2014
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Denton, TX
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I saw the image first as a thumbnail (well, duh, of,silly me) and thought it was a shot of the young man with a bunch of smoke blown into the frame. It does seem a wee bit dark to me. If you want to keep it that dark, maybe boost the contrast a bit in one way or another, so those low tonal values 'separate' from one another, just a little bit more. And I would think it might help to dodge the top of his head, just a bit.( Of course, these are just my opinions; I hesitate to comment much on the work of people who I think know what they are after, or what they're've started falling into that category more and more as time passes and you keep hitting the studio lighting stuff as hard as you have been.)
Yep I see that now ... Two similar critiques, I really take notice :)

After I first posted I did dodge up the two blotches on the forehead ... The dark top hair doesn't give much separation so maybe to dodge that too .. I'll post another here in a bit (having breakfast with my model right now :) )
OK let's try this one ... I lightened the top of the hair and the dark blotches on the forehead ... pulled the purple channel down to darken the BG somewhat, and the entire exposure up about 1/3 stop


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