Another C&C on my Photo


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey everyone, looking for a C&C on this B&W I took. I "Was" going for a darker tone with the photo as well try to get the whites to pop out from the darkness. The smoke from the smokestacks did start to fade away, so the further away the less prominent they were. Please provide you C&C and area's I might have improved on. Thanks in advance.

Try reshooting this with a yellow/deep yellow filter or applying a yellow filter layer in post. The stacks and smoke are interesting, but the buildings seem to detract from it IMO. Try cropping a little more tightly so that you don't see the building at the bottom.
Here is another one for your C&C's. Thanks in advance.

Here is another one for your C&C's. Thanks in advance.


I would have gotten in closer......are you taking a picture of the person or the window???

The picture was taken about 15-20ft back as I wanted to get my wife along with the building, but I then cropped in as the background was bland and not appealing so I cropped in to get the outline of the window and to include my wife.
Here is another one for your C&C's. Thanks in advance.


I would have gotten in closer......are you taking a picture of the person or the window???

The picture was taken about 15-20ft back as I wanted to get my wife along with the building, but I then cropped in as the background was bland and not appealing so I cropped in to get the outline of the window and to include my wife.

I think you should have had your wife sit on that ledge leaning against the rock for a picture, and then against the wood for a picture. then taken a separate picture of just the building. Taking a picture of your wife with the whole building is more of just a snapshot to remember by, although you could have taken that too!!...
I have lightened up both photos and cropped out the trees in the factory photo. Please let me know how these look.


looking for comments on the modified edits from the org...
Modified of the wife, not digging it.
Modified of the smoke, better.
I like the cropping on the original smokestack photo, although I think it needs a little straightening (stacks don't look completely vertical?). I like what you did with making some of the highlights in the smoke lighter.
Thanks for the comments.

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