I don't like the right and border. It seemed like you weren't sure whether to crop in or show more of the flower and ended up compromising. I would have recomposed to show less on the right and more of the left, away from the flower.
As is, to me, it feels incomplete. I want to see the whole flower; its the bit of background that shows on the left that makes it feel off. I think it would work nicely if you crop off the left petal edges so the image becomes about the center part of the flower. Leave the same amount of main petal lines on the left that you have on the right now and I think you'll have something nice.
Thanks for the feedback! If I'm understanding you both, you're suggesting two different paths to take with it. I originally didn't want to go wide with the crop because the background was super busy and unattractive, but here's one at a slightly wider crop, with some additional processing to try to bring the focus back on the flower and drown out the background.
Is this what you were thinking, globeglimpser?
Dagwood56, is this what you were getting at?
I'm not sure which I'm feeling more. Maybe the second one?